Sunday 22 June 2008

Jessica Simpson - Simpson Slammed By Animal Rights Group

Singer/actress JESSICA SIMPSON has come under fire by an animal rights group for voicing her love of meat - through a slogan on her T-shirt.

Simpson was photographed wearing a top bearing the words "Real Girls Eat Meat".

But leading animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has condemned her choice of clothes.

A spokesman tells, "Jessica Simpson's meaty wardrobe malfunction makes us thankful that no one is looking to her for food advice. Chicken-of-the-Sea anyone? The woman who thought that Buffalo 'Wings' came from buffalos would benefit from some good veggie brain food."

See Also

Tuesday 3 June 2008

The Chandos Baroque Players

The Chandos Baroque Players   
Artist: The Chandos Baroque Players



Telemann Chamber Music   
 Telemann Chamber Music

Tracks: 22